Cafeteria/Food Services
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- Berlin Borough School District
- Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act
"The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 represents a major step forward in our nation's effort to provide all children with healthy food in schools. Increasingly schools are playing a central role in children's health. Over 31 million children receive meals through the school lunch program and many children receive most, if not all, of their meals at school. One out of every three children in America is now considered overweight or obese. Schools are often on the front lines of our national challenge to combat childhood obesity and improve children's overall health. This legislation includes significant improvements that will help provide children with healthier and more nutritious food options, educate children about making healthy food choices, and teach children healthy habits that can last a lifetime"
Berlin Community School is excited to announce the formation of a Wellness Committee. Committee members include: administration, educators, food service personnel, students, school nurses and parents. Below are our purpose, plans, goals and objectives.
- Nutrition education and promotion for staff, students, and community
- Review of standards and guidelines for all school foods and beverages
- Physical activity and physical education promotion and review of current practices
- Community involvement in special events highlighting physical activity and nutrition
- School Wellness Week celebration
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids' Act of 2010
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