- Berlin Borough School District
- Programs and Related Services
- Related Services
Related Services
Counseling Services for Students
A School Counselor can assist students with a concern that may be impacting school for a child.
Individual, group and class sessions are provided when parent consent is received, services are mandated through an IEP, or in rare situations, such as student crisis.
Training Services for Parents
Berlin Borough School District offers support through our Special Education Advisory Group (SEPAG) on topics recommended by the Group. Parents of students in our preschool classes are also provided training/consulting on topics including, but not limited to: parenting, discipline, and building communication skills. In addition, Berlin Borough School District also offers resources for parents on specific areas of need.
Speech/Language Therapy
A Speech Therapist helps students to pronounce difficult words/sounds better (Articulation); to learn to express himself/herself better (Express skills) and/or to understand language better (Receptive Skills). A Speech Therapist utilizes activities or routines designed to increase and improve communication skills.
Occupational Therapy
An Occupational Therapist can help your child develop better fine motor (small muscle) skills that may be impacting education. This may cover areas such as handwriting, drawing, cutting, and assembling objects. An Occuaptional Therapist can also assist students with sensory needs.
Physical Therapy
A Physical Therapist is trained to treat gross motor (large muscle) disorders pertaining to movement and posture (ability to maintain body positions), that may be impacting a child's education/school day through the use of activities or routines designed to increase movement skills.
Adaptive Physical Education
This service is a physical education program that has been modified to meet the specific needs of a disabled student; e.g., inclusion of activities to develop upper body strength in a student with limited arm movement.
Required transportation services may include special transportation, equipment, transportation aides and special provisions.