2020-2021 Meeting Agendas
Public Agendas 2020-2021
Public Agenda: | June 23, 2021 | 7:00 PM | |||
This meeting will be onsite only and will not be live-streamed. | |||||
The meeting will be recorded and posted as soon as technologically possible. | |||||
As precautionary measures due to COVID-19: | |||||
There will be a sign-up sheet for those speaking at the health check table outside of the elementary school entrance. | |||||
Anyone that desires to enter the cafeteria must wear a mask and pass the health screening. | |||||
The Board of Education will not take questions or comments via email. |
Public Agenda: | May 26, 2021 | 7:00 PM | |||
This meeting will be onsite only and will not be live-streamed. | |||||
The meeting will be recorded and posted as soon as technologically possible. | |||||
As precautionary measures due to COVID-19: | |||||
There will be a sign-up sheet for those speaking at the health check table outside of the elementary school entrance. | |||||
Anyone that desires to enter the cafeteria must wear a mask and pass the health screening. | |||||
The Board of Education will not take questions or comments via email. |
Special Meeting Agenda: | May 24, 2021 |
12:30 pm | |||
This meeting will be virtual-only via Zoom. | |||||
The Board of Education will not take questions or comments via email. | |||||
The form for public participation is embedded in the agenda and will be opened at 6:15 pm. | |||||
The meeting can be accessed via the following information: | |||||
To attend via computer | https://zoom.us/j/93899044266 | ||||
To attend via phone |
iPhone one-tap: US: +13017158592,,93899044266# or +13126266799,,93899044266# Or Telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 436 2866 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 Webinar ID: 938 9904 4266 |
Special Meeting Agenda: | May 5, 2021 |
6:30 pm | |||
This meeting will be virtual-only via Zoom. | |||||
The Board of Education will not take questions or comments via email. | |||||
The form for public participation is embedded in the agenda and will be opened at 6:15 pm. | |||||
The meeting can be accessed via the following information: | |||||
To attend via computer | |||||
To attend via phone |
Public Budget Hearing: | April 28, 2021 | 6:30 PM | ||||
Public Agenda: | April 28, 2021 | 7:00 PM | ||||
This meeting will be onsite only and will not be live-streamed. | ||||||
The meeting will be recorded and posted as soon as technologically possible. | ||||||
As precautionary measures due to COVID-19: | ||||||
There will be a sign-up sheet for those speaking at the health check table outside of the elementary school entrance. | ||||||
Anyone that desires to enter the cafeteria must wear a mask and pass the health screening. | ||||||
The Board of Education will not take questions or comments via email. |
Special Meeting Agenda: | April 21, 2021 | ||||
This meeting will be virtual-only via Zoom. | |||||
The Board of Education will not take questions or comments via email. | |||||
The form for public participation is embedded in the agenda and will be opened at 6:15 pm. | |||||
The meeting can be accessed via the following information: | |||||
To attend via computer |
https://zoom.us/j/95778712982?pwd=RDd4RFNqYWdGZituclI4SUhDeGVhQT09 Meeting ID: 957 7871 2982 Passcode: 344531 |
To attend via phone |
One tap mobile +13126266799,,95778712982# US (Chicago) +19294362866,,95778712982# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 957 7871 2982 |
Public Agenda: | March 24, 2021 | |||||
This meeting will be onsite only and will not be live-streamed. | ||||||
The meeting will be recorded and posted as soon as technologically possible. | ||||||
As precautionary measures due to COVID-19: | ||||||
There will be a sign-up sheet for those speaking at the health check table outside of the elementary school entrance. | ||||||
Anyone that desires to enter the cafeteria must wear a mask and pass the health screening. | ||||||
The Board of Education will not take questions or comments via email. | ||||||
Special Meeting Agenda: | March 18, 2021 | |||||
This meeting will be virtual-only via Zoom. | ||||||
The meeting will be recorded and posted as soon as technologically possible. | ||||||
The Board of Education will not take questions or comments via email. | ||||||
The form for public participation is embedded in the agenda and will be opened at 5:30 pm. | ||||||
The meeting can be accessed via the following information: | ||||||
To attend via computer | https://zoom.us/j/96842482696?pwd=YXFlQlVKZDZJR0EyNHY3UXc5Ynp3Zz09 Meeting ID: 968 4248 2696 Passcode: 001621 |
To attend via phone | One tap mobile +19294362866,,96842482696# US (New York) +13017158592,,96842482696# US (Washington DC) Dial by your location +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 968 4248 2696 |
Special Meeting Agenda | March 17, 2021 | |||||
This meeting will be virtual-only via Zoom. | ||||||
The meeting can be accessed via the following information: | ||||||
The meeting will be recorded and posted as soon as technologically possible. | ||||||
The Board of Education will not take questions or comments via email. | ||||||
The form for public participation is embedded in the agenda and will be opened at 6:30 pm. | ||||||
To attend via computer | https://zoom.us/j/92009535240?pwd=R1I0NW1FWkxnWi9yWVFhTTUvUjhYQT09 Passcode: 807981 |
To attend via phone | iPhone one-tap: US: +13017158592,,92009535240# or +13126266799,,92009535240# Or Telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 436 2866 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 Webinar ID: 920 0953 5240 |
Public Agenda: | February 24, 2021 | |||||
This meeting will be onsite only and will not be live-streamed. | ||||||
The meeting will be recorded and posted as soon as technologically possible. | ||||||
As precautionary measures due to COVID-19: | ||||||
There will be a sign-up sheet for those speaking at the health check table outside of the elementary school entrance. | ||||||
Anyone that desires to enter the cafeteria must wear a mask and pass the health screening. | ||||||
The Board of Education will not take questions or comments via email. |
Public Agenda: | January 27, 2021 | |||||
This meeting will be onsite only and will not be live-streamed. | ||||||
The meeting will be recorded and posted as soon as technologically possible. | ||||||
As precautionary measures due to COVID-19: | ||||||
There will be a sign-up sheet for those speaking at the health check table outside of the elementary school entrance. | ||||||
Anyone that desires to enter the cafeteria must wear a mask and pass the health screening. | ||||||
The Board of Education will not take questions or comments via email. |
Public Agenda: | January 5, 2021 | |||||
Reorganization Meeting @ 6:30 pm - Immediately followed by regular meeting. | ||||||
This meeting will be onsite only and will not be live-streamed. | ||||||
The meeting will be recorded and posted as soon as technologically possible. | ||||||
As precautionary measures due to COVID-19: | ||||||
There will be a sign-up sheet for those speaking at the health check table outside of the elementary school entrance. | ||||||
Anyone that desires to enter the cafeteria must wear a mask and pass the health screening. | ||||||
The Board of Education will not take questions or comments via email. |
Public Agenda: | December 16, 2020 | Meeting Canceled Due to Inclement Weather | ||||
This meeting will be onsite only and will not be live-streamed. | ||||||
The meeting will be recorded and posted as soon as technologically possible. | ||||||
As precautionary measures due to COVID-19: | ||||||
There will be a sign-up sheet for those speaking at the health check table outside of the elementary school entrance. | ||||||
Anyone that desires to enter the cafeteria must wear a mask and pass the health screening. | ||||||
The Board of Education will not take questions or comments via email. |
Public Agenda: | November 18, 2020 | |||||
This meeting will be onsite only and will not be live-streamed. | ||||||
The meeting will be recorded and posted as soon as technologically possible. | ||||||
As precautionary measures due to COVID-19: | ||||||
There will be a sign-up sheet for those speaking at the health check table outside of the elementary school entrance. | ||||||
Anyone that desires to enter the cafeteria must wear a mask and pass the health screening. | ||||||
The Board of Education will not take questions or comments via email. |
Public Agenda: | October 28, 2020 | |||||
This meeting will be onsite only and will not be live-streamed. | ||||||
The meeting will be held in the cafeteria which has a capacity of approximately 145 people under the current indoor gathering guidelines. | ||||||
Anyone from the public attending the meeting will have to pass a COVID-19 health screening prior to entering and wear a mask during the entire meeting. |
Public Agenda: | September 23, 2020 | |||||
BOE Onsite, Live Stream/Remote for Public | ||||||
To ensure that the public retains the ability to attend this meeting and provide comments, the remote meeting will be streamed in realtime on Zoom. | ||||||
You can access the feed by clicking here. | ||||||
The purpose of utilizing this method of meeting is to ensure the continuity of school district operations while maintaining the necessary social distance to avoid the spread of COVID-19. | ||||||
Anyone who wishes to comment during the public portion of the meeting should submit their comment to public923@bcsberlin.org | ||||||
As per Bylaw 0167, anyone wishing to comment to the Board shall include their full name and address within the email or it will not be read. |
Public Agenda: | August 26, 2020 | |||||
Virtual/Remote Only | ||||||
To ensure that the public retains the ability to attend this meeting and provide comments, the remote meeting will be streamed in realtime on Zoom. | ||||||
The meeting can be accessed by clicking here. | ||||||
The purpose of utilizing this method of meeting is to ensure the continuity of school district operations while maintaining the necessary social distance to avoid the spread of COVID-19. | ||||||
The purpose of utilizing this method of meeting is to ensure the continuity of school district operations while maintaining the necessary social distance to avoid the spread of COVID-19. | ||||||
Anyone who wishes to comment during the public portion of the meeting should email the Superintendent, Dr. Joseph Campisi, via campisij@bcsberlin.org. | ||||||
Responses will be provided as soon as possible. |
Public Agenda: | July 22, 2020 | |||||
Virtual/Remote Only | ||||||
To ensure that the public retains the ability to attend this meeting and provide comments, the remote meeting will be streamed in realtime on Facebook Live. | ||||||
You do not need a Facebook account and can access the feed by clicking here. |