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Character Education

Why Character Education?

Character Education is an instructional approach that is used to enhance learning and make school more meaningful for students.  Today, the vast majority of Americans share a respect for fundamental traits of character: respect, caring, trustworthiness, fairness, citizenship, responsibility, compassion, empathy, honesty and loyalty.  Yet, in today’s world, all children face great uncertainties in a complex and sometimes troubled society.  These traits are not always readily apparent and easy to grasp or learn; therefore, our challenge is to provide youth with the self-esteem, stamina and support they need to survive, be successful, and develop into strong, competent, caring and responsible citizens. 

Students at BCS are recognized daily for demonstrating qualities within the Six Pillars of Character (respect, caring, trustworthiness, fairness, citizenship, responsibility).  This recognition of good character is important to promote whenever possible.  Good character is doing what is right, even when you think no one is watching.  The staff at BCS encourages you, as parents and community members, to recognize students when you see them at local business or anywhere in the community for supporting the Six Pillars.

Building Character...

A simple statement recognizing what they have done such as, “Thank you for holding the door for me” is beneficial in promoting a positive feeling in a child.  You may email with the student’s name and the act of kindness demonstrated, and their good effort will be announced during the morning announcements. 


Character Education


Thank you for your support of Character!