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Gifted and Talented


            At Berlin Community School, efforts are made to identify gifted and talented students in grades Kindergarten through eighth, and to provide enrichment classes and acceleration in all areas.  Appropriate learning challenges are instructed in pull-out classes based on critical thinking and higher-level thinking skills. 

            In grades Kindergarten through eighth grade, identified students demonstrating extraordinary academic excellence are offered opportunities in the gifted and talented program.  This is accomplished through a pull-out class where such students work together on common areas of strength and interest through a variety of challenging projects.  Specialized lessons and units include independent study, research, problem solving, and decision making which encourages divergent, critical, and creative thinking.  In our middle school, the gifted and talented program is also implemented using advanced placement courses in math.

            Berlin Community School encourages gifted students to excel through the gifted and talented program.  The purpose of the program is to make available challenging content, provide opportunities for the gifted learner to reach his/her potential, and to nurture self-esteem and confidence in special students.



            Student eligibility for Berlin Community School’s Gifted and Talented Program is determined through the use of multiple criteria.  In addition to those criteria, students must demonstrate the potential for exceptional performance and advanced academic needs.  Students must agree and adhere to the Gifted and Talented contract.



The Gifted and Talented program will:

            * increase opportunity for academic growth

            * provide the opportunity to pursue independent research

            * develop critical thinking skills

            * allow the ability and desire for the student to creatively express self

* help the student develop an understanding of their worth, abilities, potentials, and limitations

* provide instruction that bears meaningful relationship to the needs and interests of the pupil

            * learn to enjoy the process of learning and to acquire skills necessary for a lifetime of continuous learning and adaptations to
