Appeal Process
Appeal Process
Parents, teachers, and/or administration that challenge the identification process with warranted concerns may request that the individual child be re-tested using a Cognitive Skills Test. The re-test will be administered by a Gifted and Talented Program teacher and hand scored by a certified teacher and/or school administrator. Students that are ineligible due to academic grades may be re-evaluated, upon request, at the end of each marking period. An appeal does not automatically mandate the child being given a Cognitive Skills Test. If the issues are still not resolved, the parent/guardian can put the concerns in writing to the Superintendent. If the parent is still not satisfied with the outcome, the parent can contact the Executive County Superintendent.
Any parent wishing to appeal this decision should submit an appeal letter including the following information:
● Student Name
● School and Grade
● Homeroom Teacher
● Parent/Guardian(s) Name
● Address and Telephone Number
● The content of the letter must include relevant information and a detailed rationale for processing the appeal