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Lunch Time Parent Portal

Lunch Time

Nutri-Serve Presents: Lunch Time

Nutri Serve Food will be adding a new Point of Sale system (called Lunch Time) to the cafeteria beginning in the 2017-2018 school year. As part of the LunchTime system, you will be able to track purchases, create reminders and set up automatic payments online. SchoolPaymentPortal is being offered as a safe, secure and convenient way for parents or guardians of students to manage school payments. All money on your student’s account from last year has been rolled over to the new system.

It's Easy!

To set up your account, go to SchoolPaymentPortal.

  • Click on the big CREATE ACCOUNT button.
  • Fill in all of YOUR information. You’ll link your student to this a few steps later. If you have multiple students, you only need to create one account. 
  • Once you create your account, you will have to log back in. Click LOG IN in the lower right hand corner.
  • In the upper right corner click ADD A STUDENT.
  • Enter (08041) in the box for zip code then hit search. 
  • A list of schools in that zip code will show.
  • Click on Your School District.
  • Enter your child’s BCS student ID number and click search.
  • From here view your student's account to see their balance, what they have purchased, or add funds to their account.