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Interested in Teaching a Class?

Interested in Teaching a Class?


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Dear Community Members,

Please consider using your talents (professional or personal) to enrich our students and the wider community by teaching a class or activity. Children classes may include:  photography, jewelry making, chess/strategic games, journal writing, knit/crochet, literacy support, math support, foreign language immersion, drawing/painting, book club, magic, voice, financial/banking/stocks understanding, archaeology, engineering, study skills/organization, test prep, Lego construction, journalism, drama, science lab experiences, environmental study, fitness, and music appreciation.  Ideas for adult programming may include: couponing, card playing, poetry, financial planning, an organization against clutter, college planning, and/or scrapbooking. The ideas for classes are limitless and can be geared to the students or adults for after school or evening programs.

This is a great opportunity to educate and/or enrich others and give back to our community. If you or your company is interested in teaching a class or activity for students and/or adults, please contact Michelle Sojdak to submit a proposal. This would be a 6-10 week commitment once or twice a week either immediately after school or in the evening. Please sure to include your suggested price to cover materials and your time.

** All outside instructors must carry liability insurance in order to teach a CER class.

Thank you,

Mrs. Michelle Sojdak
CER Secretary





CER Instructor Survey

Contact Us

Mrs. Michelle Sojdak

PALS/CER Secretary 

(856) 767-0129 x201