• What is E-News?

    E-News is an email service, provided by the Vertical Response company, allowing non-profits to utilize database and design capabilities to efficiently send email messages to parents, students, and community members.
    The Berlin Borough School District utilizes this service in addition to Global Connect and website updates to quickly and effectively send out emergency notifications, reminders, and community information in an effort to maximize communications through the use of this free service.
    If you are interested in joining our growing e-news network, please click on the link and sign up today!  You will receive an email confirmation through the address that you designate, and you must click on the link provided in that confirmation to complete the registration process
    Important Notice: Please be sure to check your junk or spam folder or filter if you do not see a reply in your Inbox from Vertical Response support.
    The Berlin Borough School District will not use, sell, transfer, or share your email information with any third parties, and will only use the information provided for the purposes of school and community notifications. 
    Thank you!
  • e-news

Click here to sign up for E-News!