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Late Charges/Extra Fees

Extra fees will be applied to your account for the following:

  • There will be a $20.00 fee applied to your account if your child is scheduled for PALS and we are not notified that your child will not be attending. (absent from school, change of dismissal plans, etc)
  • If a day is added after the Friday due date, a $20.00 fee will be applied to your Community Pass account.
  • If we do not receive a schedule and we need to call home looking for your child's schedule, a $20.00 fee will be applied to your Community Pass account. 

Late Pick-Up Penalties:

In the event your child is not picked up by 6 PM, a fee of $25.00 per child will be charged up to 6:15 PM.  After 6:15 PM, an additional charge of $50.00 per child will be assessed.  We ask you to respect the fact that our PALS staff and administration have families at home whom they want to get home to after PALS closes.

After 6:00 PM, we will begin to call emergency contacts.  At 6:30 PM the Berlin Police Department or Child Protection and Permanency will be notified and it will be necessary for the parent to meet with the PALS Supervisor prior to the child’s return to the program.