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Administration of Medication and Sick Children

Administration of Medication: 

The PALS staff is not permitted to administer medication. Administration of medications during Latchkey hours is the responsibility of the parent. There can be no exception to this guideline.
We do have staff members who are certified to administer an Epi Pen if necessary.  If your child is prescribed an Epi Pen, please contact the CER office to arrange to have their medicine available to our PALS staff.  It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that any Epi Pens are up to date and not expired.  We do not have access to the nurse’s medications. 

Sick Children: 

If your child is ill or gets injured, you will be called to pick up your child to take him/her home.  We ask that you make every effort to make arrangements to pick up your child promptly.  We do NOT have a nurse on staff at PALS.